CD #2 -- Jesus Stood Still

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CD #2 -- Jesus Stood Still


Jesus Stood Still
“Jesus Stood Still,” is my testimony song.  The words come from Mark 10 (v.49).  Blind Bartimaeus sits outside Jericho, begging.  He had heard enough from those around him to come to the conclusion that this Jesus of Nazareth (as men called him) was the prophesied Son of David.  On this day, Jesus is approaching Jericho.  When Bartimaeus hears someone call out Jesus’ name, he begins to cry out, “Thou Son of David, have mercy on me!”  When I came to the words, “Jesus stood still,” while preparing a sermon on the passage one night, the Lord blessed my soul.  I, too, had cried out to the Lord Jesus for mercy, and Jesus had stood still for me!

How Can I Say, “No”?
The first time I was asked to preach at a rescue mission, God gave this song.  It comes from Romans 10.  That was the passage I was studying the night I wrote the song.  Paul asks the question, “Who shall deliver me from the body of this death?”  The answer is God, through Jesus Christ our Lord.  What we must do is respond to the gospel and say, “Yes”, to Christ.

I’m Just a Teen
The last of the 9 songs on this CD, “I’m Just a Teen” was written for a youth meeting.  The church of which I was pastor at the time was hosting an area youth night.  The Lord gave me this song from a desire to have something that could unify teens from several churches.  Putting them in a choir and teaching them a good song seemed the best solution.  We had a great meeting that night, and almost two hundred teens singing this song on its debut.

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